About me

My name is Shilpa Sahani. By profession an Engineer and by passion a Writer/Teacher/ Artist/Motivator/and goal achiever.

Since Childhood, I was passionate about writing. And after writing my first Poem at age of 12, I knew this is something I would love to continue for years to come.

I carry a positive outlook for life and have always believed in discipline and organized way of living. If I see something good near me, I try to learn from it. And if it helps me in improving my life, I bring it in my environment. I like to create a positive influence in the lives of people around me.

“Mind Resilience” talks about Love, Relationships, Parenting, Self-improvement and many little things that we experience in our day to day life.

Through the medium of this blog, I want to write articles that empower my readers, give them hope and motivate them to create a life they desire.

Let’s hope these stories give us new beginnings.



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