Mini Habits to build for children for a better life Part II

I have already emphasized how crucial it is to build good habits right from a younger age, and also how habits play a significant role in sketching a strong character, in my previous blog “Mini habits to build for children for a better life”. This article is an extension of the same idea.

We talked about making the bed, TV time, certain food habits, and about being presentable in the previous article. And here I have a few more points to share which contributes to building a stable and robust tomorrow.

1. Wrapping up after studies and playtime: We have often seen that once study time or playtime gets over, it’s mostly the mothers who are clearing up the books and toys. Children are off the picture, the moment their studies or their playtime is done.

Teaching children to clean up after they finish their studies/playtime helps them become responsible, disciplined and self-reliant. Next time whenever they create the mess, they will be aware that it’s only them who need to clean it up. Keeping things in place once work is over, develops a disciplined approach in life, and this stays within them throughout, helping them lead an organized life. They become more independent and start looking for solutions when they come across a problem, and also benefits in developing problem-solving skills.

2. Folding own clothes: When coming to folding own clothes also, we mostly see that it falls into the Mothers to-do list. If we teach children to fold their clothes, it helps them to understand about individual contribution in a family. And how everyone in a family needs to own a few tasks in order to lighten the load on one single person so that a family can function at its best. Taking charge of some chores can make them learn ownership and accountability. And yes, getting more independent too.

3. Being Punctual: Teaching your kids to be punctual is something so vital that it can attribute to a prime characteristic in them.

Being punctual will make them learn to respect not only their own time but also other person’s time as well. It will keep them away from giving excuses to people and unnecessary lies. It will set a reputation for themselves and will benefit them in keeping their respect.

4. Maintaining personal hygiene: Self-care is something that is so much in the routine that sometimes we don’t even discuss about it. But yes, some people don’t take care of it, and we can’t deny this. Maintaining cleanliness is essential not only for the body but also for the mind. A person who can take care of it has a calming aura, and we all like to be surrounded by the positive energy that they bring.

It’s important to teach children to shower every day, to freshen up after returning from outside and not to share their personal items like towels, soap and clothes with anyone.

5. Setting up goals: Mostly, what we see is a majority of people leave their goals incomplete or in the midway after setting them.

Teaching kids to set goals and to achieve them today is a value that they will treasure in their tomorrow.You can help them to set small and manageable goals like completing an assignment two days before the due date, cleaning up their desk, organizing their closet, taking a walk, learning a new fact, etc.

To keep them encouraged, you can share your daily goals with them and let them know how you worked to achieve them. Setting targets will make them learn how important a vision is for a complete success.

It’s essential to make our children understand we can create habits anytime we want, and we can stick to them. It just needs determination and nothing else. If we are determined to learn something, there is nothing that can stop us from doing it.


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