How to stay calm in life


In today's time, we are trying to fill in every minute of our lives with something or other, and leaving no time to breathe. And so we end up bringing a lot of overwhelmingness for ourselves. And that's why the most sought after thing today is calmness, isn't it? 

With the household work, cooking, cleaning, children's school, homework, kid's activities, other commitments and whatnot, we are getting so tied up that we have forgotten how to sit and relax. 

And if somehow we reach to that point when we get some time to relax, there comes the social media for gulping that time, and at the end, we feel Aah! Time has gone, and we didn't even feel relaxed.

Being calm is a personality trait, but that does not mean we cannot achieve it if we are on the other side. I have mentioned in my earlier blog "Sorry I'm late, I will be there soon…" about habits. Habits can be changed, only when we want them to change. 

If you do not have this trait of staying calm and wish to bring some peace in your life, you need to work on it. And things do change, and we get results when we consistently work on something with all our focus and determination. But the important part is not to give up in the middle before you see the results.

I have experienced that implementing a few points can bring a sense of completeness and calmness in our day-to-day life.

And here they are

1. Hug more: How often do you hug your loved ones. Have you created any ritual for your family? If not, try to hug your family after getting up in the morning, don't step out of the home without giving a warm hug to everyone in the family. And don't forget to do the same after saying goodnight. 

You will see it will make a difference. It conveys our love and assurance for our loved ones and its scientifically proven that when we hug someone for more than 20 secs, it releases feel-good hormones benefitting our immune system.

2. Express more: When was the last time you wrote a note for anyone in the family in typical days? Slipping a love note under the dinner plate, sticking a message on the mirror, hiding it in the wallet, or sticking it on the door, have you done any of these? 

You would say these are small things and you worked on more important things like birthday gifts and all. But all these tiny things will make you feel closer to your loved ones and spread harmony in your home and heart.

3. Now, something, especially for those who get angry quickly and mostly, ends up hurting others. Whenever you want to convey something, convey it in as subtle as possible way. You are getting late for office, and you want your spouse to hurry up for breakfast. Instead of showing irritation on your spouse and ruining their entire day, compose yourself and try something nice. 

When you are nice to people, they rise two levels higher and try to help you, putting their best efforts. But if you make someone sad, their efficiency gets reduced to the lowest level. Choose your words wisely every time.

4. Try to resolve your fights then and there instead of prolonging them. When you extend your arguments, the silence between the two people will carry many negative emotions, bringing down your home's whole aura. 

How you plan to end the silence between you two after one week of your fight, try to do it as soon as the argument is over. Usually, people become so defensive that they fail to understand the other side. So practically there is no point waiting for the other person to realize their mistake. 

Once you start talking after a few days, you can choose a golden moment to talk your heart out and hopefully that time your partner will be in a much calmer state to listen and understand you.

There are few more things which I would like to include in this article. But, I am trying to keep it short so, it's easy for my readers to understand and remember the ideas for a bit longer time 😉

See you soon with Part II on this article.


  1. Very helpful, I especially
    liked this part: 1. Hug more: How often do you hug your loved ones. Have you created any ritual for your family? If not, try to hug your family after getting up in the morning, don't step out of the home without giving a warm hug to everyone in the family. And don't forget to do the same after saying goodnight.


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