How to stay calm in life part II

Calmness is indeed essential, and we need to make mindful choices to achieve it in our lives. In my earlier article on “How to stay calm in life”, I have shared a few points with you. And there is so much more we can do to achieve this state, so here I am with Part II of the same topic.

Let’s directly get to the point and explore how implementing a few simple practices, can help you achieve the peace you are looking for in your life.

1. Handle stressful situations with Grace: Some people in stressful situations go berserk, while others choose grace. If you fall under the former category, no problem, you can work on it.

It just needs practice, and it’s not that difficult as you are thinking about it right now. All you have to do is to not react to a stressful situation immediately. Take some time and think. If the situation permits, choose to get away from it for a while. Come back and then make your point. Just remember always Pause, think and then talk.

Anger does more damage to you when compared to the opposite person. And in anger, we often talk things that we will regret throughout our lives.

In the beginning, you may find it challenging, but if you stay patient and be consistent, later it will imbibe into your personality.

2. Being there for friends: We all have close friends in our lives. And it’s a nice feeling to have someone talk our heart out. We try our best to help them when they need us, but when life takes its own course, we start getting stuck in the daily grind. 

Sometimes, when our close friends are going through a troubled time in their lives, we go missing or might give a guest appearance.

We all are busy, have our routines, have a family to look after, etc. etc. But the important part is to be present when your close friend is really in need. I am not saying to ignore your family, and other stuff and do this. 

But yes, you need to take that extra effort to be there for your friend, for example, maybe by staying awake a little longer to comfort them over the phone or being present physically if your situation permits. Squeeze out that invisible time that we all have in our routine, which we utilize for checking our inbox, emails, WhatsApp or other networking sites. 

If you want to help, you will figure out how and when. It’s essential to be there when our loved ones are in trouble and alone.

Doing so will give you immense satisfaction as a friend, and your friend will never ignore you when the tables turn. Just put yourself in their shoes and think how much you will yearn to talk to them, discuss and figure out solutions for the problem you are in currently. So be the one what you are looking in them.

3. Avoid too much dependency: In a few houses, we see a lot of pressure on one person to complete the household chores. When the load sharing is unequal, you create more opportunity for that one person to explode anytime. It’s natural for anyone to get frustrated when they overwork and don’t get their share of me-time. 

Whether you are working or at home, pick up tasks you are good at and own them. The probability of completing tasks will be high when you are comfortable doing them than taking up something you have never done.

It’s always good when you teach your children too to own few tasks at home. It makes them responsible and active. It also helps them learn many things like decision making, figuring out solutions, being disciplined and organized. 

When everyone in the family has their tasks defined, it becomes easy for everyone to work on it and this way you can save that one person from getting stressed.

4. Stop the ripple effect: Stop bringing your stress from office to home and home to office. Learn to live like two personalities; when you enter the office, you should forget all your home worries. And whatsoever happened in your office should not overpower the environment of your home when you come home.

People bring worries from work and show that at home, and this damages your relationship with your partner. With no fault of their’s, they need to bear the brunt of your bad day.

And the worst thing is that you will forget it the next day, but the residual effect is still lingering in your partner. Your partner is unable to get out of it, leading to them, ruining their whole day!

So one wrong decision destroyed two days.
And if you have children at home, the chain extends to them as well. Your partner is confused about why you got upset on them, and they unknowingly do the same to their children.

So who got benefitted out of this? You lost your peace of mind, your partner got into the same loop and still struggling to get out of it. And now your children are imbibing all this and might do the same in their future with their partners. 

So please stop these chain reactions and deal with your office worries at office. If you want, sit down calmly, and share your concerns so that your partner can help you with some solution and if not at least provide you with some comfort being a good listener.

Once you start making these changes in your routine life, you will experience shifting from being always stressed to being in bliss forever. Being peaceful is a choice. And every time when you choose the right thing, you will find yourself in a calmer state. Once you achieve this, you won’t like to change it.


  1. Thank you for writing this blog, it really helped me :)


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