Making long distance relationships work


Relationships don't improve or grow on their own. It takes effort to make them work. Making any relationship blossom requires effort. But before we jump on to the things you can do, let's not forget the fundamental requirement; You need to be sure about your relationship, and you should be ready to do things for it. 

You need to be sure that you need this relationship for your future. And you are prepared to put this relationship first before some of your prime things.

This article's credit goes to one of my friend who is into a long-distance relationship and has managed to sail through the tide. The points that I am going to share with you are from a detailed interview with her, and she was thrilled to share and help people looking out for help to make their long-distance relationship work.

The main hurdle to connect when two people are on different sides of the globe is the time zone. So the most important thing to do is figure out when you both would like to connect in a day. And once you finalize a time, don't keep changing it, creating confusions and misunderstandings. Term that time as your time and lock it. I meant to say that you need to be sure that you are not planning anything around it and not disturbing that connecting time.

A party with friends or some get-togethers can happen over time, and that's ok. It would be best if you are honest to communicate that well before, so you don't leave your partner hanging on.

The other thing that overpowers love is your absence in troubled times of your partner. Be prepared to commit that whenever there is an issue, and either of you wants to talk about it, the other partner should keep that as a priority and not miss to be there.

It could be in the middle of the night for you, or you may be in your office or some meeting. Whatever the scenario may be, be consistent in your acts. These are the sensitive times when your partner wants to talk to you, discuss things, and your absence in such situations will make your partner look for someone else who is ready to give him/her time.

These are the primary two tips which, if taken care of, would help you keep alive the eagerness, freshness and love you want in your relationship.

There are a few other minor things you should be taking care of, along with the major ones.

Like for example, your partner could be more worried about your security, whereabouts at an initial time, and that's normal. We all want our loved ones to be safe and happy. Please don't take it as interference and for some time, be patient. Once you are all set in the new place, your partner will get a grip of your routine, friends and will not bother you much on such things. With time, you will earn their trust, and everything will be normal like before. So patience is the key.

Try not to jump into fights; give time to understand the new surrounding of your partner. Be a little more forgiving if your partner gets late for the call; instead of putting a lot of expectations on your partner, be the support they want at the moment.

Don't prolong fights; sleep with a peaceful mind. Keeping hurt in your heart and prolonging conflicts will damage any relationship and especially a distant one, as you are not physically present to make up for the deeds.

If you are honest with your relationship and are determined to make it work, it will work. And commitment and determination need to be from both sides. Trust, patience and open communication are the keys, and yes, don't leave any opportunity to express your love with a card, a small gift or anything you can think of with your creative mind. It works!


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